Кузнецов Н. Д.

Портрет И. Е. Репина


Холст, масло. 71 х 63

Пост. в 1921 из ОПХ, Петроград

Репин Илья Ефимович (1844–1930) – живописец, рисовальщик, педагог. Учился в Школе военных топографов и у живописца И. М. Бунакова в Чугуеве, затем в РШ ОПХ (1863) у И. Н. Крамского; в ИАХ (1864–1871). Пенсионер ИАХ во Франции и Италии — жил преимущественно в Париже. Академик (с 1876), профессор (с 1892), действительный член ИАХ (с 1893). Член ТПХВ (с 1878), венского Сецессиона (с 1890-х). Участник выставок с 1865. Преподавал в ВХУ при ИАХ (1893–1907) и в ХШ княгини М. К. Тенишевой (1895–1899). Жил в усадьбе Пенаты близ Петербурга (с 1900).


Портретная галерея Русского музея. Лица России. СПб. 2012. С. 161.

Кузнецов Николай Дмитриевич
1850, село Степановка, Херсонская губерния — 1930, Сараево, Югославия

Живописец, коллекционер.

Учился в ИАХ (1876–1880). Участник абрамцевского кружка С. И. Мамонтова. Член ТПХВ (с 1883), член-учредитель Товарищества южнорусских художников (ТЮРХ, 1890–1922, Одесса). Академик (1895). Действительный член ИАХ (с 1900). Вел класс батальной живописи в ИАХ (1895–1897), преподавал грим на драматических курсах при Императорском музыкальном училище (1909, Одесса).

Kuznetsov N. D.

Portrait of Ilya Repin


Oil on canvas. 71 x 63

Received from the Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Petrograd

Ilya Yefimovich Repin (1844–1930), painter, draughtsman and teacher. Studied at the Military Topography School, under the artist I. M. Bunakov in Chuguev, and later at the Drawing School of the Society for the Encouragement of Arts (1863) under Ivan Kramskoi. He later studied at the Imperial Academy of Arts (1864–1871) and was one of their scholars in France and in Italy — he mostly lived in Paris. He was an Academician (from 1876), a Professor (from 1892) and an active member of the Imperial Academy of Arts (from 1893). He was a member of the Society of Travelling Art Exhibitions (from 1878), of the Vienna Secession (from the 1890s) and a participant in exhibitions from 1865. He taught at the Higher Arts Institute at the Imperial Academy of Arts (1893–1907) and at the Princess Maria Tenisheva Art School (1895–1899). He lived in the Penaty estate near St Petersburg (from 1900). 

Kuznetsov Nikolai Dmitriyevich
1850, Stepanovka, Kherson Province — 1929, Sarajevo, Jugoslavia

Painter, collector. Studied under Pavel Chistyakov at the Imperial Academy of Arts (1876–1880). Member of the Savva Mamontov’s Abramtsevo studio; the Society of Travelling Art Exhibitions (from 1883), Fellowship of South Russian Artists (1890–1919, Odessa, founding member). Academician (1895), full member of the Imperial Academy of Arts (from 1900). Taught battle painting at the Imperial Academy of Arts (1895–1897) and grease painting at the drama courses of the Imperial School of Music in Odessa (1909).






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