В творчестве художника представлен "героический" пейзаж эпохи классицизма. В своих, в достаточной мере условных, пейзажах художник стремился передать величавую красоту природы, "облагороженной" кистью мастера. Матвеев подчинял композицию своих пейзажей строгому расчету, соблюдая деление на планы, и тем самым вносил в них элементы искусственности и декоративности.
Иматра – водопад на реке Вуокса в Финляндии.
Живописец, пейзажист.
Сын солдата лейб-гвардии Измайловского полка. С 1764 по 1778 обучался в ИАХ, которую окончил с первой золотой медалью. С 1779 - пенсионер ИАХ в Италии. Пользовался советами Я. -Ф. Гаккерта. В 1807 получил звание академика за картину "Вид Неаполя", присланную из Италии. С 1813 - член Академии Св. Луки в Риме.
The “heroic” landscapes of the classicism period are characteristic for the painter’s creative work. In his paintings, Matveyev tries to display, in a rather conventional way, the majestic beauty of this “noble” nature. Matveyev’s composition was subjected to strict calculation, respecting the division of the plans and adding artificial and decorative elements. Imatra are the falls on the Vuoksa river in Finland.
Artist, draughtsman, landscape artist.Son of a soldier of the Izmailovsky regiment of the Leib Guard; at the age of six was assigned to the boarding school of the Academy of Arts. In 1764 he entered the Academy of Arts, studied under G.I. Kozlov and G.I. Serebryakov, since 1776 – in the landscape class of S.F. Schedrin. In 1778 he received a major gold medal for the program "to depict shepherds herding cattle under a mountain near the river ". In 1779 he graduated from the Academy of Arts and was sent together with the architect M. Berezin to Rome as a scholar. In 1783–1784 travelled to Italy and Switzerland, copied the paintings of J. P. Hackert, got acquainted with the art of the old masters, travelled to Germany.In 1807 received a title of academician for the painting “View in the Environs of Naples”. In 1813 was elected a member of the Academy of St. Luca in Rome. The artist constantly longed to return to Russia and appealed to Saint Petersburg Academy of Arts with a request to pay his growing debts. In 1819 “sovereign emperor honoured him by ordering to derive 500 Roman talers annually to the academician Matveyev staying in Rome”. Matveyev lived in Italy till the end of his days.