Живописец, педагог. Учился в ЦУТР барона А. Л. Штиглица (1888–1891), в ВХУ при ИАХ (1894–1897) у А. И. Куинджи. Академик живописи (с 1915). Член НОХ (1905), СРХ (1911), АХРР (1925). Член-учредитель (1909) Общества им. А. И. Куинджи (1925–1930 — председатель). Участник выставок с 1897. Преподавал в РШ ОПХ (1902–1917), в ПГСХУМ–ВХУТЕМАС–ВХУТЕИН (1918–1929, профессор – 1921). Заслуженный деятель искусств РСФСР (1935).
Painter, graphic artist. Studied in St Petersburg at the Baron Stieglitz Central School of Technical Drawing and the Drawing School, Society for the Encouragement of the Arts (1888–1891); the Higher School of Art, Imperial Academy of Arts (1894–1897). Contributed to exhibitions (from 1893). Taught at the School of Drawing, Society for the Encouragement of the Arts (1902–1919), head of the animal drawing class (from 1906); Free Art Studios / VKhUTEMAS / VKhUTEIN in Petrograd / Leningrad (1918–1929, head of the landscape studio); Mikhail Frunze Naval College (1919–1923); Lenin grad Art and Industry College (1923–1926). Member of the Union of Artists (1932). Contributed to establishing an art museum in Vyatka (1910). Academician (1915). Professor (1918). Honoured Artist of the RSFSR (1935).