Живописец, график, педагог. Учился: 1878–1882, 1884, 1885 – МУЖВЗ у И.М. Прянишникова и Е.С. Сорокина; 1882–1884 – Императорская Академия художеств. Участник выставок с 1881. Член и экспонент: Московское общество любителей художеств – 1887, 1889–1891, 1894; Товарищество передвижных художественных выставок (с перерывами) – 1887–1901 (с 1899 член); «36 художников» – 1901–1903; «Мир искусства» – 1903; СРХ (член-учредитель) – 1903–1911. Преподавал: 1899–1906 – Строгановское училище; 1900–1910 – Московское училище живописи, ваяния, зодчества. Академик (1905).
Painter, graphic artist, genre artist, history painter. Studied under Vasily Perov, IllarionPryanishnikov at the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture (1878–1882, 1884–1885) and at the Imperial Academy of Arts (1882–1884). Contributed to exhibitions (from 1881), including international exhibitions in Munich (1892), Prague (1900), Rome (1911). Book illustrator (from 1880s). Academician (1905). Member of the Society of Travelling Art Exhibitions (1899–1903), founding member of the Union of Russian Artists (1903). Taught at the Stroganov School of Art and Industry (from 1899) and Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture (1900–1910).